
Good afternoon,

I hope that the information contained here will make sense and enable you with the help of ChipChop to raise your smart IoT creations to another level.

The topics in the menu follow a "step-by-step" pattern that should guide you in a logical way on how to achieve a real-time remote communication between your smart IoT devices and the ChipChop brain. And, of course, link it all with Alexa so you can shout and command your microcontroller slaves all day long

If you use the Arduino setup, you can simply download the ChipChop Arduino library, plug it into your project/sketch, set few things in the ChipChop Development Console and you'll have in no time Alexa controlled lights, buttons, sensor etc...

Pretty much no need to dig too deep into the API at all.

Start with the examples in the Tutorials section, they cover all fundamentals.

Things marked in bold light blue or black are not links, just an emphasis that something is worth remembering.
Links to other pages are properly retro looking in plain blue and underlined like this this is a link

Not just for Arduino
If you feel adventurous and fancy trying something more spicy than Arduino (or simply enjoy reading JSON), then the API reference pages are for you.

ChipChop engine is "device agnostic", if you can connect to it over a simple WebSocket protocol it couldn't care less what you've plugged at the other end.

Is it a Raspbery PI, nVidia Jetson, laptop, phone, Node.js, Electron app, The Matrix itself or whatever digital poison you are on, anything goes. Heck, out of boredom I've once connected two browser tabs and controlled them through ChipChop and Alexa.

So, in a nutshell, anything is possible and if you make it's useful, even better!

Unfortunately at the moment I haven't had the chance to create some example projects that you can download and test so chase me through the ChipChop Forum and I will try to give some pointers.

Final words
ChipChop is a complex system and has quite a few features under the hood that are not mentioned here, either because I am still developing them, the interface is not ready yet or I am not sure that you won't screw something up by using it!

Also, as with any documentation it takes ton of time to write, before you start moaning that ChipChop can't do this or that ask a question first in the forum as it may be already implemented and I can give you a quick guidance even before the documentation is ready.

Have fun, enjoy and share,

Sincerely yours,


If you think that these pages are poorly written, you can always volunteer, roll up your sleeves and help out writing better documentation...heck, I'll by you a drink and throw in some ChipChop perks!